Saturday march 14th 2020 came up with another educative edition of the linux accra user group meet up.Between the hours of 2 to 5pm the meetup was surrounded on usage of Git, GitHub , GitLab, Jekyll, xrdb, xrandr.With explanations of, Git as a control system for tracking changes in code during software development.Whereas Github bring together community of developers to discover and build better softwares,Gitlab is a web based complete Dev-Ops platform and the core of Gitlab is open source. Whilst Jekyll trasforms your plain text into static website and blog unlike word press which serves as content acctually does what you ask it to do no more no lessPracticals were done per various individual, in addition to our day study we also read on xrdb as a use of reading set of resource from a file and store them in a server for a startup and Xrandr is used to set size reflection of the output for a screen. Linux Accra at its meeting every saturday at the Kofi Annan Center for excellence aims at Educating and inspiring the public on open and free software.